Linx 1010B remove all signs of W10 - Install Linux Distro!
Some time ago about 3 months-ish, I decided to wipe out Windows 10 from my Linx 1010B and install a Linux Distribution. I have not written this for anyone that wishes to dual boot with Windows. I found many guides and useful information when searching around, however, I identified that Fedora and its Spins will install out of the box. There is no requirement to re-spin the ISO or add bootia32.efi to the ISO. I have no intention of ever putting Windows back on the device ;) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Installing Fedora Cinnamon Spin - Linx 1010B *Download the ISO - then verify the checksum. *Make a boot-able USB , in Windows, Mac or Linux use * Use the USB to a run live environment so you can test your hardware. *You might need a USB WiFi dongle for internet access as there are some issues using the rtl7823BS onboard WLAN card. (Note ...